Ikechukwu Ogbonna, often known as IK Ogbonna, is a Nollywood actor who has boasted that he has never asked a woman out in his life.

Despite Ogbonna’s previous marriage to Sonia Morales ending in divorce in 2019, the attractive actor insisted that he had never asked a woman out on a date.

In a recent interview with Petite Talks, the actor revealed that the majority of his partnerships began as friendships.

As absurd as that may sound, he declared, “I’ve never toasted a girl in my life.” I have no idea how to proceed. Being a good boy is not the point.

My upbringing was likely surrounded by people. I was pals with a lot of women at the same time. And the majority of my partnerships always began from a friendship. After being friends, we begin to like ourselves. It made its way into romantic relationships.

On social media, he did, however, acknowledge flirting with his ex-wife Sonia Morales prior to their friendship developing into a relationship.

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