Online comments have been triggered by a video featuring controversial content creator James Brown and Nollywood actor Zubby Michael. Reactions have been sparked by the notorious crossdresser’s stylish distancing from Zubby Michael in the viral video. Erica Nlewedim and Nini Singh, the Big Brother Naija star, were among the other famous people spotted on the set of the popular video. are talking about a video featuring infamous crossdresser James Brown and Nigerian movie star Zubby Micheal. On a stadium set, the famous people were spotted interacting with the camera with some common Nigerians. James Brown can be seen in a video escaping Zubby while filming a new wave of popular movies. Image courtesy of @wf_jamesbrown and @zubbymicheal Instagram, the source Nonetheless, a lot of Nigerians were drawn to something in the viral video. James Brown, the infamous transgender person, was spotted standing close to Zubby Michael and appeared to be extremely uncomfortable. For additional information, visit

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